Below, we have translated a longer interview about the historical context of the current pension reform strikes in France. This interview can help…
We’ve translated this article, originally published by comrades from Communaut, for the debate within the current NHS strikes. Previous reflections on strikes in…
A submission from some furious farmworkers. This text is a chapter from their forthcoming book: Farmworker Fury – Inquiries about organic agriculture. More…
We’ve written before about the outstanding struggle of workers at the automotive parts manufacturer GKN in Italy. The following article summarises some of…
Introduction from Angry Workers We translated this article from the communist magazine ’Supernova’, which is based in France. The magazine refers a lot…
We briefly summarise this significant example of solidarity between manufacturing and dock workers. For a more detailed analysis of the current crisis of…
Introducción (Para descargar el libro ‘Class Power on Zero Hours’ en ingles) En enero de 2014 decidimos mudarnos a un barrio de…
Translation from Passa Palavra —– If there is something worth fighting for in these times of immense difficulty, it is the courage and…
We helped translate this article from the German magazine Wildcat – a useful overview on recent developments in the USA. ‘A systemic intervention…
Shura: workers’ assembly/council. ‘Coordinating Shura’ in this context is the umbrella body of all the teachers’ associations across Iran. This article was written…
From Wildcat magazine no.109. We helped with the translation of this article. You can read the original here. Beverly Silver pointed out in…
We were sent this interesting report on a strike of delivery workers in Turkey and asked to circulate it. The original can be…