Dear comrades, First of all, thanks loads for having taken the time to read our book and to write down comments. We will…
‘EXPRESS’ is a rank-and-file union magazine, we wrote an article about our project in west London and our book ‘Class Power on Zero-Hours’
Will they listen? And who is Britain? British Airways announced that it would be sacking it’s entire workforce of 42,000 people and re-hiring…
We have published some initial thoughts on the current uprising against police violence here: I agree with the content and spirit of…
Hundreds of thousands of people in cities across the world marched in defiance of their governments and police to show their solidarity with…
We reproduce this informative and accessible article from a comrade currently living in China, a tech worker, who is trying to get to…
We were asked to write about how we relate to the 1970s American revolutionary group, Sojourner Truth Organisation (STO). Amongst other things, they…
(in Spanish: Dear libcom crew, Thanks a lot for inviting us to be interviewed! The answers to your questions are below, but before…
A response to Maya John’s ‘Class Societies and Sexual Violence: Towards a Marxist Understanding of Rape’ Background The text below has come out…