Last month we dug into Victor Serge’s ‘Memoirs of a revolutionary.’ An introduction to the text was given by a comrade: This is…
For the PDF of the Spanish translation click here / Utilice este enlace para descargar: Insurrección y producción fue publicado originalmente en el…
The end of our reading group is to help facilitate the fullest flourishing of the participants critical and intellectual capabilities, all in the service of…
Before we discussed Lenin’s ‘State and Revolution’, our unorthodox reading group went through Chomsky’s ‘Notes on Anarchism’. While we certainly liked the anti-authoritarian…
It was a good game and it was good to see a broad response from fans and working class people against racism after…
We want to document a short exchange with dear comrades in Australia on the question of mutual aid. They had published an article…
“The people’s game” – run by and for billionaires 2nd May 2021 saw the first ever protest induced postponement of a Premier League…
So the votes are in and the high hopes of the left are squashed: Amazon workers in Bessemer did not vote in enough…
In this editorial we look at the general situation of the Covid crisis, the incapability of the ruling class and the need for…
The comments from an organic farm worker below refer to our book ‘Class Power on Zero-Hours’. We love these reflections, as they are…
Another contribution from a comrade in the US – response to our text on the current moment and the need for a class…
A comrade from the US sent us the thoughts below in response to our text on revolutionary transition. The issue of transitional demands…