After decades of not much, the UK strike wave signals a shift in class activity. But beyond an increase in the number of…
Please also watch this new video of a meeting with a comrade of the GKN factory collective! More on the significance of the…
Below, we have translated a longer interview about the historical context of the current pension reform strikes in France. This interview can help…
We’ve translated an excerpt (Interview with Giacomo and Piero Despali, edited by Mimmo Sersante, published by Derive Approdi) of this book, which documents…
We transcribed and translated the audio recording of this meeting that was organised by comrades of Revolutionare Perspektive in Berlin on the 21st…
We proudly document this great book by comrades from Germany, the first chapter on working on an organic cooperative commune-style farm can be…
At our internal meeting in Sheffield in February 2023 we agreed on a collective effort to understand the current wars from a concrete…
Thanks to our comrade who made this interview about the Royal Mail dispute that has been rumbling on now since last August. Further…
We’ve translated this article, originally published by comrades from Communaut, for the debate within the current NHS strikes. Previous reflections on strikes in…
The following text was written as a contribution to an AngryWorkers internal discussion meeting on Ukraine in early February. During the discussion it…
For our first 2023 Reading Group we welcomed new attenders and broke new ground discussing some of our own texts around the current…
A submission from some furious farmworkers. This text is a chapter from their forthcoming book: Farmworker Fury – Inquiries about organic agriculture. More…