We see an increase in small actions against the drive towards militarisation. From school students to doctors, from port workers to tram drivers. While significant parts on the left still collude in the ideological war games, these class actions give us hope. Sign the petition of the Munich tram drivers against Bundeswehr (German army) advertisement here!, check out their website and read their powerful text below.

We, tram drivers from Munich who are organised in the union Ver.di, do not accept that we should drive the tram (type T1, car 2804) through Munich, as the tram advertises for an alleged ‘career in the Bundeswehr’.

The slogan of the advertising, “Do what really counts”, already attacks our dignity as workers. Do they want to tell us that what we do, namely driving a the tram, doesn’t count, or doesn’t really count?!! This doesn’t just affect us, but all workers. We cannot seriously be expected to drive this insult to all workers through the streets.

Furthermore, quite a few of us are pacifists and cannot reconcile promoting training to kill with their conscience.

Recruiting children and young people is a violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Germany is one of the very few countries where young people are recruited into the army. The United Nations, the Children’s Commission of the Bundestag, peace and children’s rights organisations, the GEW (trade union for education) and Ver.di have been protesting against this for years. The increasing public recruitment has contributed to the fact that every 11th recruit is now a minor.

We no longer want to be stooges in their game.

We demand:

The Munich Transport Corporation (MVG) must no longer allow itself to be used as a recruitment tool by the Bundeswehr!

For us, the following applies:

Workers do not shoot workers!
Metalworkers do not build tanks!
Transport workers do not transport military equipment!
Tram drivers do not drive Bundeswehr trams!
Support us with your signature!

Let us know when a Bundeswehr tram is running through the streets in your area! Even better: join this campaign in your city!

Let’s organise resistance – together!

Initiative group
‘Say NO to the Bundeswehr tram with us!’