“PECHINA 14/1/2021 – After weeks of searching for solutions through dialogue and weighing up the serious breaches of labour law committed by the company, the workers of Fresh Tom Export in Almería (Spain), a vegetable grower and trading company specialising in tomato crops, , have decided to go on INDEFINITE STRIKE.
From this moment on, we are fighting on all fronts: the mobilisation front, the labour inspection front, the judicial front and that of our allies in Europe. Against the employers who exploit and repress. Workers struggle!
Strike begins
Today, Tuesday 19th January, the workers of Fresh Tom have started the strike. The workers will remain on strike until their wages are increased and updated to the current Minimum Interprofessional Wage (1180€). In addition to demanding the rights recognised by the previous Collective Agreement in the field: seniority bonuses, transport bonuses, as well as the conversion of temporary contracts into fixed or fixed-discontinuous contracts. It should be remembered that this agreement, which dates back to 2015, has been out of date for two years, and a new one is being negotiated.
The workers have stated that they will remain concentrated at the entrance to the company for the duration of the strike, respecting anti-Covid-19 security measures. The measure has been requested and approved by the government sub-delegation.
International solidarity
We need international support as this struggle is the same struggle that workers all over the world are fighting. From this understanding we ask you to keep fighting back and let us know about your struggle and the lessons learned.
In addition, any other support will be welcome, from videos or pictures sending your symbolic support to looking for those companies that are distributing Fresh Tom’s groceries in Europe. This company operates in Irish and English market as a distribution company called Cortes LTD, among others. Help us find where else and let them know workers solidarity does not understand national borders.
To contact us please send us an email to fieldworkerssolidarity@protonmail.com
Also check the companies contacts to make them know workers in Almeria are not alone, that we are workers united!
In Pechina, Almeria: info@freshtomexport.com administración@freshtomexport.com
Warehouse manager: Bernadett Kovacs, Agnes Kovacs almacenalmeria@freshtomexport.com
Logistics: logistics@freshtomexport.com
Managment: hernanc@cortesltd.co.uk
Sales: John Wagstaff’
Donna Smith
Information From comrades in Spain…